6 March 2024 Planning Committee – Additional Representations
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Site Address |
Application No. |
Comment |
Item A, p23 |
65 Orchard Gardens Hove BN3 7BH |
BH2023/02756 |
Approved Documents Added to Condition 1:
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Site Address |
Application No. |
Comment |
Item C: Page 79
P83 |
Land Adjacent To American Express StadiumVillage Way |
BH2023/02872 |
Amended Biodiversity Net Gain Provision: An amended Biodiversity Statement has been submitted which proposes planting two trees within the VIP car park north of the site. This is within the application site, closer to the Fan Zone and within Brighton & Hove. This proposal would achieve a 125.12% net gain in biodiversity, in accordance with Policies CP10 and DM37; and would be within the application site, so could be secured by condition rather than legal agreement.
As a result, the Head of Terms need amending to remove reference to off-site compensatory habitat:
“Employment training · Developer contribution of £15,770 to be paid prior to site commencement. · The Employment Training Strategy should be submitted for approval at least 1 month prior to commencement of the development.
The Biodiversity Net Gain report listed in condition 1 also needs updating to refer to the document submitted in February 2024.
Delete condition 7 – foul sewer capacity Southern Water have already confirmed they are satisfied that the scheme would not result in any increased flow to the sewerage system so the condition is not necessary.
Update to Condition 13: Bee Bricks
Update to Condition 13: there would be no exposed brickwork to accommodate a bee bricks so proposed to provide a ‘bee home’ within a nearby tree.
Condition 13: “At
least one bee home shall be incorporated within Reason: To enhance the biodiversity of the site and to comply with Policy DM37 of Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 2, Policy CP10 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One and Supplementary Planning Document SPD11 Nature Conservation and Development.”
Amend condition 16 – Shallow Foundations: Applicant has requested review of foundations by Southern Water rather than restriction on depth.
No development shall take place until details of the piled foundations and measures to ensure the protection of the aquifer have been submitted to and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details.
Reason: To safeguard the fresh and foul water infrastructure in the vicinity of the site, in accordance with Policy DM42 of Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 2.
Amend condition 17: Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan: Remove reference to the number of swift boxes to allow flexibility, subject to site requirements and comments from Ecologists.
No development shall take place until Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan (HMMP) for the provision of a minimum 10% biodiversity net gain within a 30 year period, to include the planting of two native (preferably whitebeam) trees in the area specified in the Biodiversity Net Gain Report (Ecology Partnership, dated February 2024), to be managed to achieve and maintain at least moderate condition, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The HMMP shall include the following parts:
a) Description and
evaluation of habitat/features proposed (to include full Metric
(using most current version), details of condition assessments and
a specification for a b) Identification of adequate baseline conditions (for management and monitoring…[etc.] Reason: To increase the biodiversity of the site, to mitigate any impact from the development hereby approved and to comply with Policy DM37 of Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 2, Policy CP10 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One and Supplementary Planning Document SPD11 Nature Conservation and Development.
P88 |
Amendment to Paragraph 5.3:
A representation in support was received from the University of Sussex, not Brighton.
P98 |
Update to Paragraph 9.40: The planting of an additional would result in the scheme delivering 125.12% biodiversity net gain, rather than the 13.95% noted in this paragraph.
Item E, P135-136 |
St Joseph’s Church Hall, 6 Milton Road, Brighton BN2 9TQ |
BH2023/02679 |
Update to Documents Listed in Condition 1:
Section locations clarified and updated to reflect changes to Elm Grove (northern) elevation.
Item F, p155 |
Osmond Road |
BH2023/03090 |
Update to Plans Listed in Condition 1:
All plans (pre-existing and proposed) have been updated to include the trees on the site.
Item G, P178 |
10 Meadow Close, Hove |
BH2023/02789 |
Additional Representations Received
Five (5) additional objections have been received from local residents, raising the following additional issues: - The amendments have not addressed concerns raised; development will still cause harm to amenities of residents of no.9. - The applicant made the property derelict and removed all the trees from the garden.
Officer Response: The reduction in scale of the single storey rear wing, secured during the lifetime of the application, is considered to result in an acceptable impact on the amenities of neighbouring residents.
The loss of habitat and trees in the rear garden is regrettable but this was not subject to any statutory protections. Permission is recommended to be granted subject to a landscaping condition that will require planting to improve the biodiversity of the land.
The total number of objections received is now eleven (11), originating from a total of six (6) individuals.
Item I, p219 |
14 Millcross Road, Portslade |
BH2023/03224 |
Update to Plans Revision to plans listed in Condition 1: Drawing number 11991-1C updated to show the new window fitted to the existing side elevation of the gable.